When Maybach is just passé and a Rolls-Royce Phantom much too common, you'll be the sort of person looking for a DiMora Natalia SLS2.
The co-founder of Starbridge Systems Inc. a very high tech computer company ( www.starbridgesystems.com ) and creator of the Clenet Sportster, and one of the finest American Luxury automobiles ever produced, is back in the design studio. When he emerges, he will be at the wheel of the first Natalia SL2, a $2 million technological marvel that will set the standard for 21st Century automotive excellence.
Sporting DiMora Motorcar’s 14 Litre V-16 Volcano engine rated at 1,200 horsepower and delivering variable torque to each of its four steerable wheels, you know NATALIA™ SLS2 will be ready for the most challenging driving conditions. And, she will have brains as well as brawn. There will be over 60 computer systems spread throughout this luxurious 5-passenger touring sedan.
The new car will sense the emotional state and behavior of the driver when he/she is at the wheel, including their stress level, heart rate, temperature, and even if they are happy, sad, angry, etc. This information will be fed into the onboard computers so NATALIA™ can interact with the driver in many ways, including setting the mood of the interior lighting, the color of the dash, the type of music being played, the brake and accelerator pedal response to foot pressure, the cockpit temperature, and more. She will even tell you if you are falling asleep at the wheel. If you do not listen, more drastic actions will be taken!
DiMora Motorcar Company will be the first to use many of these technologies and will be the first to combine them all into one integrated vehicle—NATALIA™ will define state-of-the-art in the automotive world.
The car will use electronic controls and software to operate high-brightness LEDs. By tiling the entire interior ceiling of the car with a sheet of these LEDs, the driver and passengers can create light directly over their seats only, illuminate the entire car, dial up an infinite number of ceiling colors to suit their mood, again over each seat, or trigger an infinite number of computer-controlled soothing or entertaining lighting shows and effects including gently pulsing star-like effects.
Patented hi-tech safety lights that will be built into the doors of car will throw a gentle glow onto the pavement when you open the door. NATALIA will also be able to project whatever graphics or customized image the owner desires. Imagine, for example, the NATALIA™ logo being projected onto the pavement as a safety light each time the door is opened. Each client will have the opportunity to have their family crest or monogram projected instead. At the flip of a switch from the driver compartment, the projected image will remain onto the pavement while you are driving, gliding silently alongside the car and just under the driver and passenger front doors (or all four doors if you wish).
The car will hold its interior at a comfortable temperature regardless of outside temperature while you are parked and the engine is turned off. This is a solid state system that utilizes its own power source. It causes cold or hot air (without any air conditioning system or fluids of any kind) to fill the interior and keep it cool during the summer or warm during the winter. When you return to your car, it is perfectly comfortable to get into yet it has not used any fuel or energy from your main battery. This also means that you and your pets can stay in your car with the engine off and the windows closed and still have climate control. Now that is luxury!
DiMora is making the car so exclusive that it comes with its own private two-way, hands-free phone for exclusive use among the owners of NATALIA™. When an owner drives near someone with the same discriminating taste, the two can greet each other and socialize while on the road, privately, intimately, and securely thanks to the built-in encoding system which prevents anyone from intercepting the conversation. Of course, the new state-of-the-art GPS navigation system will tell you how re-route to avoid congested traffic conditions ahead.
>>> www.auto-motor-und-sport.de/news/auto_und_produkte/dimora_natalia_neuer_massstab.119708.htm
Photo www.topgear.com